Every Polaroid is unique - you have the only copy in the world.

It’s a privilege that no smartphone can match- to have something truly tangible in a digital age where everything is fleeting. It’s a way for a creative class of millions to keep a link to art.

To bring it to life we made a book - with the work of young photographers and illustrators from around the world - and I developed a visual system inspired by Polaroid’s iconic spectrum.

This system, known as ‘unpacking’ - splits a layout into its separate parts - photography, illustration, typography, colour - and rebuilds it . Each part playfully interacts with the others free of hierarchy - much like the tumblr of a small-town art kid.

The book had over 30 creative provocations, giving the brand team the language to see ‘innovation’ through the lens of art, not just tech.

Role - art director/CD. Copy/CD - Henry Scott. Design - Genis Carreras. Strategy - Alistair Beattie.


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